Among the talks delivered for a recent convocation on Scholarly Communications in a Digital World at UNC there are several of interest:
- Copyright Issues and Scholarly Communications, Laura N. Gasaway, Director, Law Library (“Perhaps those of us within academia are the enemy. Our own behavior in evaluating publication sources for faculty work often forces our colleagues to publish in a source that requires transfer of the entire copyright which hurts both the author and other faculty members and students who want to use the work. Faculty retention of the copyright benefits the individual author, other faculty, the institution and the research community.”
- Open Access Is a Necessity to Preserve Knowledge and Make It Freely Available, Bradley Hemminger, School of Information and Library Science (“Faculty will need to have the courage to rebel from the existing monopolistic commercial publishers and to embrace, wholeheartedly, open access for all.”)
- Valuing Non-Traditional Vehicles of Scholarship, Jeffrey Pomerantz, School of Information and Library Science, and Bob Blouin, School of Pharmacy (“As electronic and online forms of scholarly output come to take center stage in all aspects of scholarship, it is increasingly important for the university to be a favorable and nurturing environment for faculty who will be innovators in these areas. At the same time, it is increasingly important for faculty to innovate, to place high demands on the university for infrastructure to support non-traditional vehicles of scholarly output, and for recognition of the importance of this output.”)
- Establishing the Academic Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication in the Humanities in a Digital World, Frank A. Dominguez, Department of Romance Languages (“Given limited time and funding, we will not be able to transfer all of the materials we need or want to use from manuscript or print to electronic format, nor will we be able to create all of the electronic reference tools, journals, and secondary publications that are becoming technologically feasible. We therefore need to engage humanities faculty at every level and in many disciplines in discussing these matters in order to set realistic priorities for the transition to the electronic universe. We must plan more deliberately… “)
(All freely available, of course, at the link.)