In Brett Bobley’s recent email, he alerted us to Susan Schreibman’s survey:
Over the past few years, the idea of tool development as a scholarly activity in the digital humanities has been gaining ground. It has been the subject of numerous articles and conference presentations. There has not been, however, a concerted effort to gather information about the perceived value of tool development, not only as a scholarly activity, but in relation to the tenure and promotion process, as well as for the advancement of the field itself.
Ann Hanlon and myself have compiled such a survey and would be grateful if those of you who are or have been engaged in tool development for the digital humanities would take the time to complete an online Digital Humanities Tool Developers’ Survey.
You will need to fill up a consent form before you begin, and there is an opportunity to provide us with feedback on more than one tool (you simply take the survey again). The survey should not take more than 10-15 minutes. It is our intention to present the results of our survey at Digital Humanities 2008.
With all best wishes,
Susan Schreibman
Assistant Dean
Head of Digital Collections and Research McKeldin Library University of
Maryland College Park