Saturday, January 5th, 8:30-11:00 a.m., Crystal Ballroom C, Hyatt Regency, Chicago (APA Annual Meeting 2008)
Sponsored by the APA Committee on Publications
Donald Mastronarde, Chair
Thanks to digitization projects by both the commercial and the open-access sectors, the long-predicted transition from books and paper to digital formats for resources and information used in research and teaching may at last be occurring. This panel brings together speakers who represent classics and classical archaeology, libraries, and open-content organizations to address issues of coverage, quality, and accessibility of digital materials, to assess the trends indicated by current and planned projects, and to identify the tools needed to take advantage of the new digital riches and to allow new scholarly questions to be asked and effectively pursued.
- Trends in the Online Availability of Subscription Journals in the Classics (W. Gerald Heverly, New York University)
- The Future is Now? Who Cares? Electronic Media and the Ancient World (Charles E. Jones, American School of Classical Studies at Athens)
- The Role of Large-Scale Digitization in Classics (Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University)
- Planning a Digital Library for Classics from Image Books (Gregory Crane, Tufts University)
- Respondent: Thomas Elliott, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill