Full programme and abstracts online at Institute of English Studies; Thursdays at 1730 in Senate House, London.
10 October:
David Ganz (King’s College London), “Medieval Libraries in the Digital Age”15 November:
Paul Eggert (New South Wales), “Text as Algorithm and as Process: A Critique”13 December:
Jan Christoph Meister (Hamburg), “The Myth of the Digital or: Why Humanities Computing is Really Business as Usual”17 January:
James E. Tierney (Missouri-St. Louis), “British Periodicals, 1660-1800: An Electronic Index”21 February:
Andrew Prescott (Wales, Lampeter), “Digital Manuscripts: Retrospects and Prospects”13 March:
Charles Henry (Council on Library and Information Resources), “The Talisman of Format: Celebrating the End of the Book”17 April:
Marilyn Deegan (King’s College London), “I’ve read the news today, oh boy!”