Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

Seen in Humanist:

**Conference Announcement**

Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Meeting of the UK Chapter: January 24th – 26th 2007

Tudor Merchants Hall, Southampton

The CAA UK chapter is intended as a forum for research in the area of archaeological computing and quantitative methods. In this the final meeting in a series of five hosted by the Archaeological Computing Research Group at the University of Southampton we have joined together with colleagues from Southampton City Museums. The conference will take place in the beautifully restored 15th century timber framed Tudor Merchants Hall.

CAA UK meetings are intended to reflect the considerable breadth of computational activity within archaeological practice, whether in research, cultural resource management or private consultancy. In addition this year we also look towards our colleagues within museums for insights into the role of computational practice in that sphere. The programme for CAA UK 2007 (overleaf) includes more than 30 papers and posters drawn from a wide range of topics, including maritime and terrestrial GIS, archaeoacoustics, CAD and VR, field survey, multimedia technologies, heritage management, archiving, data standards and dissemination, mathematical modelling, archaeological theory, and landscape design.



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