A timely article (from Computer World) for those of us becoming interested in e-Science…
FEBRUARY 16, 2006 (COMPUTERWORLD) – A huge 100,000-PC grid-computing network being built to help research the origin of the universe passed the third of four major tests recently when it reached a data-transfer milestone, with up to 1GB/sec. of physics data sent over the global grid.
Francois Grey, an IT spokesman for CERN, said the latest test was part of a scheduled series of four tests that must be completed before the grid goes live next year.
“This was the first time that this model was tested with real data” at the 1GB/sec. data-transfer rate, Grey said. A previous grid test conducted last April involved seven major computer centers in the U.S. and Europe and transferred data at lower speeds — sustained rates of up to 600MB/sec.