Position Available
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image
University of Pennsylvania Library
The University of Pennsylvania Library is presently seeking a bright, creative individual with a solid background in humanities computing to guide and manage its electronic publishing unit, The Schoenberg Center for Text & Image (SCETI).
SCETI (http://dewey.library.upenn.edu/sceti) was created in 1996 to produce virtual facsimiles of rare and special materials from Penn’s collections. Over the years, SCETI has evolved into a fully integrated electronic library containing digital versions printed books, manuscripts, correspondences, images, and most recently recorded sound.
SCETI’s projects have ranged from Shakespeare, medieval Judaica, and the traditions of alchemy to ancient papyri, the works of Theodore Dreiser, and the spoken word. In 1998 SCETI received an NEH Challenge Grant, which was successfully met. SCETI collaborates on the Penn campus with faculty and academic units and internationally with institutions across North America and beyond. The SCETI web site is a destination stop for humanities scholars from around the world.
Potential candidates are invited to submit a letter of application which addresses the needs and qualifications of the position, along with their resume and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references who can address the suitability of the candidate for the position described, to: Robert Eash, Human Resources Officer, University of Pennsylvania Library, 3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206 or email to: reash@pobox.upenn.edu
(seen on Humanist)