Seen in Humbul (Classics section)
Main Title : Wiki classical dictionary (WCD)
Web Address (URL):
Description : The Wiki Classical Dictionary (WCD), a project of the website, is an online resource devoted to the history, literature, mythology and archaeology of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. The site (powered by the MediaWiki software) was launched in April 2005, and works like an encyclopaedia to which anyone may contribute, which means that it is constantly evolving. Although the depth of the material currently available varies, the site does maintain scholarly standards and consistency of presentation (editors oversee policies and review articles in their subject areas), making this a useful starting point for anyone looking for information on a particular classical topic. Users may search by keyword, and featured listings are linked to other relevant entries. Many articles also contain links to further resources on the web, as well as details of both primary and secondary source material. The vast scope of the dictionary defies summary, but featured listings include information on: literary authors; historical figures; geographical locations; key events; and characters from mythology and religion. The ambition of the editors is to be for the Oxford Classical Dictionary ‘what Wikipedia is to the Encyclopedia Britannica’.
Language : English
Responsibility : Editor : Spalding, Tim (The Ancient Library)
Publisher : The Ancient Library
Copyright :
Type of Resource : Reference source
Interactive Resource
Humbul Subjects : Classics