Registration for the 2010 Digital Humanities conference (July 7-10, 2010, King’s College London) is now open (
In addition to the conference programme, seven workshops are offered between July 5-7. All are free for conference attendees.
- Access to the Grid: Interfacing the Humanities with Grid technologies (Stuart Dunn)
- Text Mining in the Digital Humanities (Marco Buechler et al., eAQUA Project)
- Service-Oriented Computing in the Humanities (Nicolas Gold et al.)
- Content, Compliance, Collaboration and Complexity: Creating and Sustaining Information (Joanne Evans et al.)
- Designing a Digital Humanities Lab (Angela Veomett et al.)
- Peer Reviewing Digital Archives: the NINES model (Dana Wheeles et al.)
- Introduction to Text Analysis using JiTR and Voyeur (Stéfan Sinclair et al.)
To find out more about these workshops, see Workshop Programme.