The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) has released the fall schedule for their “digital dialogues” lecture series. There are a number of interesting talks. I wonder if any of these will be podcast?
Since the full schedule is only available as a PDF at the moment, I’m taking the liberty of pasting the contents here:
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
an applied think tank for the digital humanities
Digital Dialogues Schedule
Tuesdays @12:30-1:45
Fall 2008 in MITH’s Conference Room
B0135 McKeldin Library, U. Maryland
- 9.9 Doug Reside (MITH and Theatre), “The MITHological AXE: Multimedia Metadata Encoding with the Ajax XML Encoder“
- 9.16 Stanley N. Katz (Princeton University), “Digital Humanities 3.0: Where We Have Come From and Where We Are Now?”
- 9.23 Joyce Ray (Institute of Museum and Library Services), “Digital Humanities and the Future of Libraries”
- 9.30 Tom Scheinfeldt and Dave Lester (George Mason University), “Omeka: Easy Web Publishing for Scholarship and Cultural Heritage”
- 10.7 Brent Seales (University of Kentucky), “EDUCE: Enhanced Digital Unwrapping for Conservation and Exploration”
- 10.14 Zachary Whalen (University of Mary Washington), “The Videogame Text”
- 10.21 Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Pomona College), “Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy”
- 10.28 “War (and) Games” (a discussion in conjunction with the ARHU semester on War and Representations of War, facilitated by Matthew Kirschenbaum [English and MITH])
- 11.4 Bethany Nowviskie (University of Virginia), “New World Ordering: Shaping Geospatial Information for Scholarly Use”
- 11.11 Merle Collins (English), Saraka and Nation (film screening and discussion)
- 11.18 Ann Weeks (iSchool and HCIL), “The International Children’s Digital Library: An Introduction for Scholars”
- 11.25 Clifford Lynch (Coalition for Networked Information), title TBA
- 12.2 Elizabeth Bearden (English), “Renaissance Moving Pictures: From Sidney’s Funeral materials to Collaborative, Multimedia Nachleben”
- 12.9 Katie King (Women’s Studies), “Flexible Knowledges, Reenactments, New Media”
All talks are free and open to the public!
University of Maryland
McKeldin Library B0131
College Park, MD 20742Neil Fraistat, Director 301.405.8927
fax: 301.314.7111
According to MITH Assistant Director Doug Reside, the Digital Dialogues will be podcast. There’s an RSS feed link (itpc:// – see also “Subscribe to MITH” in the right-hand menu on the main webpage (