Ross Scaife Memorial Services

There will be two memorial services held in honor of Ross Scaife. The first will be held at Belmont (the home and studio of Fredericksburg artist Gari Melchers) in Fredericksburg, Virginia on Wednesday, April 2, at 2 pm ( The second service will be held in Memorial Hall on the University of Kentucky Campus in Lexington, Kentucky on Saturday, April 12, at 1pm ( Feel free to contact me if you’d like more information (Dot Porter,

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One Response to Ross Scaife Memorial Services

  1. Becky Edwins says:

    Dear Ms. Porter,

    I am with SPANISH iMMersion program. Mr. Bill Henkel is donating a tree as a living tribute to Mr. Scaife. He will do planting, etc. & we may have a planting service(have not talked w/ Cathy yet). Also, Teachers & students have donated money for a scholarship for the boys. Ann McKinley is also working on a meal schedule for them.

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