From Michael Calore’s Monkey Bites blog at Wired:
A Heap of Ajax Tutorials
Topic: Web 2.0Superstar Max Kiesler has collected a list of thirty Ajax tutorials. He’s rounded up these free online tutorials for all levels of Ajax development.
If you’re trying to tackle Ajax forms, build a file uploader, an image gallery, or one of those ubiquitous Ajax suggest-a-term live search widgets, you’ll find a how-to on this page.
Not to be a party-pooper or anything, but one of the best intros to Ajax on the web was written by our very own Paul Adams. That’s right: Webmonkey’s “All Request, All the Time” didn’t make the list, so we’re telling you about it now. Paul wrote it about a year ago — which we’re sure makes him some sort of visionary — but the knowledge he drops on you is still timely. Check it out.