Tech-oriented Latin teacher needed for TV studio

From: Joan Jahnige
Date: February 10, 2006 9:07:45 AM EST

KET is actively seeking a Latin teacher. I am planning to retire after 15 fascinating years of teaching and learning. KET is looking for someone with a minimum of 5 years of classroom experience, an interest in technology and a love of teaching Latin. The teacher must have certification that can be transferred to Kentucky and be able to teach from the television studios in Lexington. Please visit my websites for more information and contact me via email or telephone if you are interested. It is an exciting challenge…time consuming but so rewarding. If you are concerned that you will not know your students I can assure you that those who want to connect do so and continue to do so long after they leave high school. KET is very supportive to its teachers and a wonderful environment in which to work. Please pass the word along to anyone you know who does not read Latinteach daily.

Gratias omnibus.


Joan Jahnige, Latin teacher
KY Educational Television
600 Cooper Dr. Lexington, KY 40502

859-258-7133 /800-333-9764 – phone
859-258-7390 – fax

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One Response to Tech-oriented Latin teacher needed for TV studio

  1. William G. Bendzick says:

    I have a NJ full secondary certificate in Latin and 8 years of teaching
    experience. I am not camera-shy, but I have never done TV performance
    before. Can we explore this further?

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