I am happy to announce that a 2-year Software Application Analyst position for the Pleiades project is now open for application. We will carefully evaluate all applications received (online, see below) by the deadline of 13 February 2006 with a view toward filling the position as quickly as possible.
We are seeking someone with the following skills (please see full description linked below): Python, Zope, Plone, ArchGenXML, XHTML, CSS, XML, usability and Section 508 compliance; UML (for content type and workflow modeling); Linux (Red Hat/Fedora Core), Apache, CVS/SVN, Windows and Zope/Plone setup and administration; and one or more of the following: PostgreSQL+PsycoPG; MapServer/PrimaGIS/PostGIS.
One finds the job listing and application by going first to: http://hr.unc.edu/jobseekers/search.htm
Then, select “Staff positions (SPA) -> Open positions”
Then, select “Position #/Keyword Search”
Enter position ID 0056777 and select the “Go” button.