WORKSHOP: Digital Classics: Editing, Interpreting, Teaching
Thursday, 30th June 2016, and Friday, 1st July 2016.
Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany
This workshop, sponsored by the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Germany, is part of the project “Der digital turn in den Altertumswissenschaften: Wahrnehmung – Dokumentation – Reflexion“ (Dr Stelios Chronopoulos, PD Dr Felix K Maier, Dr Anna Novokhatko).
Digital tools and technologies have led to significant changes in Classics during the past 10 to 15 years. Methods and scientific practice have been adjusted, both to adapt to the new environment and to open up novel possibilities. In the course of these transitions it is essential to discuss changes and consequences that will affect teaching, researching and publishing in Classics.
A conference, taking place from the 30th June to the 1st July, will address these questions: three groups of experts (organized in three panels) will discuss three major topics in Digital Classics. The first day of the conference will be internal work closed to public. The second day will be a public discussion where the results of each group will be presented. This discussion starts at 10.00am on Friday (1st July) and will end at 5.00pm (University of Freiburg, KGI 2004 and 3024, updates on
The three panels will be:
1) Digital Tools for Teaching Classics: Dr Marco Büchler (Göttingen), Dr Stefan Faller (Freiburg), Emily Franzini (Göttingen), Prof Dr Christian Mair (Freiburg), Prof Dr Peter von Moellendorff (Gießen)
2) Digital Editions – visualization, annotation, structuring: Dr Leif Isaksen (Lancaster), Prof Dr Donald Mastronarde (Berkeley), Jun Prof Dr Brigitte Mathiak (Cologne), Prof Dr Patrick Sahle (Cologne), Prof Dr Stefan Schorn (Leuven)
3) Open access and digital publishing: Georgios Chatzoudis (Düsseldorf), Prof Dr Marcus Deufert (Leipzig), Dr Niels Taubert (Bielefeld), Dr Lilian Landes (Munich), Dr Stefan von der Lahr (Munich)
In addition there will be a public panel discussion on Thursday (30th June) at 6.00pm on the consequences of open access in academia:
Roland Reuß (University of Heidelberg) and Hubertus Kohle (University of Munich).
For further information please contact