Are any classisicts planning to be attend the following?
34th Annual Meeting and Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA2006– Fargo April 18-21, 2006.
The Conference Organizing Committee for CAA2006 invites you to participate in the Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA).
You can participate in the conference by submitting an abstract for a paper presentation, symposium, poster, workshop, or roundtable panel. Or, simply attend the conference, with its open and cordial atmosphere, to learn more about new developments in computer applications and quantitative methods, and to meet and talk with international colleagues.
About CAA
CAA is an international organization with the goal expanding fruitful communication between archaeologists, computer scientists, and mathematicians. The annual CAA conference provides the premier venue for the presentation and dissemination of studies on state-of-the-art and advanced computer technologies useful in the study of, preservation of, and access to archaeological resources. The conference also attracts museum specialists, graphic artists, geographers, physical anthropologists, design professionals, and more. The theme for CAA2006 is Digital Discovery: Exploring New
Frontiers in Human Heritage.
Conference Topics
Conference papers (long and short forms), symposia, posters, workshops, and roundtable panels are welcome on any topic pertinent to CAA. Topics to be covered at the conference include but are not limited to the following.
* Virtual Reality Modeling: Site and Architecture Modeling; Augmented and Immersive Environments; Game Engines.
* Simulations and Complex Modeling: Paleoenvironments; Predictive Modeling; Artificial Intelligence.
* 3D Data Capture, Manipulation, and Analysis: Object Modeling (laser, CT, photogrammetry, etc.); Object Reconstruction (pottery, bone, etc.); Computer Aided Shape Analysis.
* Field Applications: Software; Hardware; Wireless Applications; GPS Applications; Geo-Archaeology.
* Remote Sensing: Subsurface Prospecting; Low and High Altitude Sensing.
* Mapping and Spatial Technologies (GIS and others): Intra-site; Region and Beyond; Terrain Mapping.
* Informatics: Databases; Digital Libraries, Archives, Portals; Data Mining; Standards and Best Practices; Internet Applications; Multimedia Presentations.
* Education: Classrooms; Museums; Other Informal (digital videos, audio tours, TV, etc.); Remote Learning.
* Cultural Heritage Resources Management: Heritage and the Public (tourism, public trust, etc.); Professional Heritage Management.
* Bio-Archaeology and Human Biological Heritage: Osteological and Fossil Studies; Mummy Studies; Forensics; Anthropometry; Genetic/Population Modeling
* Quantitative Applications: Statistical Analyses; Mathematical Modeling; Predictive Modeling.
* Archaeometry: Chronology; Provenance Studies.
* Maritime Archaeology: Data Capture; Nautical; Underwater Sites.
* Theoretical Issues: All Topic Areas
* Other Topics
Important Dates
Deadline for symposium proposal submission: December 1, 2005
Deadline for early registration: January 2, 2006
Deadline for abstract submission:January 2, 2006
Papers, Roundtable Panels, Workshops, Posters, and 3D Virtual Reality Presentations
Deadline for sponsorship signup: February 1, 2006
General Conference, Exhibit Space, Attendance Fellowships,
3D Virtual Reality Presentation
CAA2006 Fargo will have a room designated for 3D stereo projection of virtual worlds. This is a rare opportunity for those working in 3D VR to show their models, and we encourage all who have produced virtual worlds to submit your work, or some part of it.
Presentation Guidelines for more information
More Information
To register for the conference and to submit an abstract, please
visit the conference website at.
To stay abreast of conference news and developments, sign up for
the CAA2006 Mailing List.
For questions or comments related to the CAA2006 conference, please
send e-mail to:
info at www dot caa2006 dot org.
For questions about renting a vendor booth at the CAA2006
Technology Expo, or sponsoring a conference event, please send
e-mail to: sponsors at www dot caa2006 dot org
We look forward to meeting you at CAA2006 in Fargo, ND.
Dr. Jeffrey T. Clark
Chair, CAA2006 Fargo
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105
(701) 231-6434