From Humanist–deadline approaching.
Call for Papers
Wikis are without a doubt one of the most interesting and
radical of the new writing media available to the wired
society, yet they also one of the most misunderstood. Many of
us know of them only by encounters with “that wacky website
anybody in the world can edit,” the (in)famous Wikipedia, that
is showing up more and more in our students’ works cited
lists. For others, wikis represent the incarnation of the
openness, decentralization, and collaboration dreamt of by the
Internet’s founders. For those of us in the computers and
writing community, wikis represent a fertile field for
rhetorical analysis and one of the richest opportunities for
teaching writing in the classroom.
The time has come for an edited collection of essays on wikis
entitled The Wild, Wild Wiki: Unsettling the Frontiers of
Cyberspace. Editors Matt Barton and Robert Cummings would like
to invite you to submit your thoughts for a volume on the
theory, politics, future, and application of wikis for
teachers of college composition (and beyond). These essays
will be organized into the following three categories: