Digital Classicist & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar, Summer 2012
Fridays at 16:30 in Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
June 1 | Chiara Salvagni (KCL), Digital Critical Editions of Homer | G37 |
June 8 | Jari Pakkanen (RHUL), Pattern detection in archaeological data: quantum modelling, Bronze Age Aegean lead weights and Greek Classical Doric architecture | G37 |
June 15 | Angeliki Chrysanthi (Southampton), A visitor-sourced methodology for the interpretation of archaeological sites | Court Room |
June 22 | Alejandro Giacometti, Lindsay MacDonald (UCL) & Alberto Campagnolo (University of the Arts), Cultural Heritage Destruction: Documenting Parchment Degradation via Multispectral Imaging | G37 |
June 29 | Marco Buchler & Gregory Crane (Leipzig), Historical Text Re-use Detection on Perseus Digital Library | G37 |
July 6 | Charlotte Tupman (KCL), Digital epigraphy beyond the Classical: creating (inter?)national standards for recording modern and early modern gravestones | G22/26 |
July 13 | Maggie Robb (KCL), Digitising the Prosopography of the Roman Republic | G37 |
July 20 | Paolo Monella (Centro Linceo, Rome), In the Tower of Babel: modelling primary sources of multi-testimonial textual transmissions | G37 |
The seminar will be followed by wine and refreshments.
For more information please contact, or, or see the seminar website at