Give a Humanist a Supercomputer…

The “Wired Campus” section of the Chronicle of Higher Education is reporting on the uses that humanities scholars have found for the U.S. Department of Energy’s High Performance Computing resources.  The short article reports on the efforts of several people who have made use of the resources, including Gregory Crane of the Perseus Project, David Bamman, a computational linguist who has been mining data from classical texts, and David Koller, a researcher with the Digital Sculpture Project, which has developed ways to coalesce numerous images of an object into a high-resolution 3D image.  The article reports that, according to Mr. Koller, intermediaries are needed who can help humanities and computer researchers communicate with each other.

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One Response to Give a Humanist a Supercomputer…

  1. Shawn Graham says:

    Bill Turkel makes the case that historians (and by extension, anybody who deals with the humanities) needs to know how to program, to know how to engage with digital technologies, if they are to remain relevant. His website ‘The Programming Historian’ is worth taking a look at.

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