BSR Digital Collections online

Alessandra Giovenco writes to announce the following:

The British School at Rome Library & Archive is pleased to announce the launch of a new website:

In July 2007, the Getty Foundation awarded a second generous grant to the British School at Rome Archive (BSR) to support the arrangement and description of part of the John Bryan Ward-Perkins photographic collection. As a result of this 2-year project, a website of the BSR digital collections was created to present not only the photographic material (Photographs) but also other types of resources which fall into different categories: Maps, Prints, Documents, Postcards, Drawings, Paintings and Manuscripts.

The majority of the digital images displayed on this website are represented by the photographs catalogued during the second Getty Foundation funded project.

(Note: I should also add that the BSR’s Ward-Perkins collection provided most of the photographs for the recently published Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania.)

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