Copied from the Digital Classicist mailing list
The AHRC ICT Methods Network (, which exists to promote and support the use of advanced ICT methods in arts and humanities research, is offering a limited number of bursaries to post-graduate students who wish to present a paper at the conference ‘Distributed Ignorance and the Unthinking Machine: Computing in History Teaching’. The conference takes place on 17 November at The National Archives, Kew, London, and is organized by the UK branch of the Association of History and Computing (AHC-UK).
Applications for bursaries are sought from post-graduate students registered at UK Universities whose research interests are grounded in areas covered by this years AHC-UK conference. These include: when and how you acquired your computing skills, what support and training you had or would like to have had, your perspective on the use of computers in history teaching and identification of key computing skills that history graduates should have and other areas which may be considered to be within the AHC’s sphere of interest. Applicants should submit a paper proposal via the AHC-UK website in the first instance, see
The bursaries are intended to help towards conference expenses. Successful applicants will be able to claim funds up to a total of £200 toward the cost of conference fees, accommodation and travel.
If you wish to apply for a bursary please submit a proposal for the AHC-UK conference in the first instance. You will hear if your proposal has been accpeted by the 28 September. If you are successful please complete the bursary application form, available on the AHRC ICT Methods Network website:
If you have any queries about completing the form please contact Torsten Reimer ( using the heading – AHC-UK Bursary Applications – in the subject bar.
Bursary winners will be asked to submit a short report to the Methods
Network following the conference.
Please address any enquiries about the AHC-UK conference to