Announcement of a new blog:
Current Epigraphy reports news and events in Greek and Latin epigraphy.
ISSN 1754-0909 (Online)
CE publishes workshop and conference announcements; notices of discoveries, publications and reviews; project reports; and descriptive links to digital epigraphic projects. We owe our inspiration partly to Gregg Schwendner, who single-handedly maintains the What’s New in Papyrology blog. Our goal is to provide a similar service to the epigraphic community, but to do so in a broadly collaborative way that invites contribution from a wide group of scholars and enthusiasts.
- Gabriel Bodard (King’s College London)
- Tom Elliott (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Francisca Feraudi-Gruénais (University of Heidelberg)
- Julia Lougovaya (Columbia University, New York)
- Charlotte Tupman (King’s College London)
Monitoring Current Epigraphy:
Readers may learn of updates to CE in two ways:
- Via XML web feeds. CE publishes web feeds in RSS 2.0, RSS 0.92 and Atom 0.3 formats, which can alert users of feed reader software to blog updates.
- Via the inscriptiones-l email list. The editors of CE regularly digest the most recent posts to CE and forward them, in an email, to the list.
Your News:
If you have news that you would like included in CE, you may do one of three things:
- Ask to become an author of the blog (any of the editors can arrange this for you).
- Post your news to inscriptiones-l, where it will be seen and probably digested.
- As a last resort, send your news directly to one of the authors of the blog.
Please feel free to forward this message to colleagues who may be interested, and to re-post it in other appropriate venues.