This call for papers was circulated by the HEA History, Classics, and Archaeology Subject Centre, but the journal, I believe, is being launched by the University of Central Lancashire. It strikes me that Humanities Computing departments that teach digital humanities skills are all doing innovative teaching and that our claim to improve “employability” (horrible as that word and even that concept is) is very strong.
The Centre For Employability through the Humanities (the CETL based at UCLAN) is putting together a peer reviewed electronic journal on employability and have asked us to pass on their call for papers (pdf). This Journal of Employability and the Humanities is for everyone in the Humanities. As a bi-annual, refereed journal produced in collaboration with the Centre for Employability Through the Humanities (ceth), at the University of Central Lancashire, its intention is to create space for a dialogue between Humanities and employability. THey want to hear your experiences of teaching, developing and researching employability and stress that prior knowledge of employability literature and models is not necessary. They do, however, also encourage contributions from the experienced practitioner or theorist.
You may have something to contribute if you have been:
- participating in the construction of Departmental or Faculty-wide programmes/workshops addressing Student Skills (particularly, but not necessarily, in the first year);
- working on improving students’ presentation skills within your module/across the degree programme at either BA or MA level;
- engaging students in assessment schemes which go beyond essay-writing (e.g. creative projects, web-design, theatrical performance);
- working with the careers service in your institution to improve graduate employability.
You may be engaging with employability issues other ways, but in any case this is a good opportunity to disseminate that engagement. This opportunity is open to members of staff and postgraduate students.