Readings in Digital History

By way of Dan Cohen’s blog, I discovered Bill Turkel’s list of nearly 100 books relevant to digital history. The meme is a comps reading list for an imaginary digital history sub-field. I was psyched to see geographic history and GIS for history getting plenty of coverage, and python too!

I’m ashamed that I wasn’t subscribed to Bill’s blog feed until this morning.

About Tom Elliott

Associate Director for Digital Programs and Senior Research Scholar, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
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3 Responses to Readings in Digital History

  1. Brian says:

    I too am awed by the beauty of the Turkel list. But I wonder: is digital history an “imaginary sub-field”?

  2. Tom Elliott says:

    Woops! Didn’t mean to imply that I thought either “history of things digital” or “computational approaches to historical research” were in any way not _real_. I had the impression Bill was creating a reading list for a departmental subfield that doesn’t exist at his institution — one he was therefore imagining …

  3. We do have a graduate course in digital history now, but haven’t yet had a PhD student do a field in the subject. There’s lots of interest, so who knows? Even though I was never a Boy Scout, I like to be prepared.

    I’m not sure if digital history will be a separate field as/when it emerges, a recognized approach to history, or part of a larger digital humanities. I imagine it will get institutionalized different ways in different places, like STS.

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