From Current Cites:
Entlich, Richard. “The Missing Dimension in Web-based Museum Exhibitions: Obstacles to Adding Depth to Digital Data” RLG DigiNews 10(6)(15 December 2006). – This “FAQ” feature in RLG DigiNews “provides a brief discussion about the development of 3D technology on the World Wide Web, its adoption by museums, and the obstacles that continue to keep the creation, dissemination, and management of 3D imagery via the Web from becoming a fully mainstreamed activity.” It provides a useful summary of 3D technologies such as VRML, QuickTime-VR, Shockwave3D, and others, along with examples of them in use. Although there have been various obstacles to the wide adoption of 3D technologies, the piece ends on a hopeful note with standards being solidified, high-capacity networks more widespread, and end-user computers gaining in capability for graphic rendering. RT