A MuGeum is a museum of places that are described by their geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude). A MuGeum can span any distance. A MuGeum may deal with one specific historic event (such as a discovery or a battle), or deal with a much broader topic or period of time (such as Bronze Age settlements in north Africa, or the development of literary traditions in China)…
KML files for Google Earth are now automatically generated for every MuGeum.The image below is from curator Bill Storage’s MuGeum of the Roman Forum and Vicinity. Bill’s beautiful, original photography and detailed descriptions combine with the excellent satellite imagery and geospatial navigation of Google Earth to create a gorgeous bird’s-eye preview of this MuGeum. Pack your bags! Next stop, the Eternal City!
That does look like both a useful tool in itself, and a handy way of disseminating work. The problem is finding the time to produce the content. Ah yes crowdsourcing 🙂
For more info about Itineraries in Rome I suggest to visit this page