Student-Generated Timelines

from Academic Commons

Student-Generated Timelines

In Teaching and Technology

Malcolm Brown from Darmouth’s Academic Computing Services polled a list I am on, looking for software to allow students to generate timelines. Owen Ellard from Mt. Holyoke pointed him to the timeline creator, a nifty piece of software developed by the Center for Educational Resources at Johns Hopkins. At Wesleyan, we’ve created some nice timelines using fancy software (see South Asian Diaspora ) but haven’t yet thought through how to go about taking this tool and allowing non-designers use it to make their own timelines. The folks at Berkeley’s Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative point to TimeMap, a more sophisticated (and therefore presumably harder to imagine students using) tool for displaying data with a spatial and temporal component.

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2 Responses to Student-Generated Timelines

  1. filologanoga says:

    Did you know about another easy to use timeline: Timeline Builder (Beta), at the CHNMU (the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University)? It may not seem pretty, it does not support Unicode etc, but it is definitely easy to use — and accessible:

    I started to play with the Timeline Builder at:

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