Additions to neo-Latin colloquia texts

We have added two additional authors to the Neo-Latin Colloquia Project:

  • Franciscus Cervantes de Salazar (1514?-1575), Ad Exercitia Linguae Latinae Dialogi
  • Petrus Popo, Colloquia de Scholis Herbipolensibus

Moreover, the hopper now provides access to portions of these texts that were previously invisible (we’ve adjusted the TEI-XML div structure). In particular, such prefaces and epilogues as may exist in Cervantes de Salazar, Castalio, Corderius, Corvinus, Duncanus, Mosellanus, and Pontanus are now available. This material typically reveals why these authors produced their colloquia, e.g. the essay De utilitate colloquiorum ad lectorem by Erasmus.

Continuing gratitude to Adrian Packel of Perseus for his kind assistance.

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2 Responses to Additions to neo-Latin colloquia texts

  1. filologanoga says:

    Today my students translated beginning of P. Popo in class; not the web version, but just text (we will consult your version next time). It wasn’t easy, but there was ample opportunity to learn what “elegantia” means, and even to pick up synonyms for “esse”, “quo vadis”, and “unde venis”. Also, we identified some pitfalls — “otius”, “habundant”, “Gospirtus Franciae dux”, “oratores ad vulgum” — which could be commented in your published version.

  2. Paulus Agricola says:

    Je me suisdemandé aussi de qui il s’agissait

    De Gospirto Franciae Orientalis duce : Probablement le Duc Gozbert, que St Kilian convertit (ca 660). Wurburg en Thuringe. Voir

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