The 7th Computers, Literature and Philology (CLiP) conference:
‘Literatures, Languages and Cultural Heritage in a digital world’
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London, UK
Thursday 29 June – Saturday 1 July 2006
The international Computers, Literature and Philology (CLiP) conference has taken place at a variety of European universities since the first conference in 1998. The initiative for the first seminar was taken by literary scholars who were not only aware of the importance of new technologies for the humanities, but also of what the humanities had contributed to the creation of digital culture in general and to the content of the Internet in particular.
The discussions at CLiP conferences focus on the integration of Philology and Information Technology. In this context, ‘Literature’ and ‘Philology’ are to be understood in more general terms. ‘Literature’ means all sorts of texts (spoken, written, hypertext etc.), which may also contain images, sound materials, graphs etc. ‘Philology’ means the scholarship devoted to these texts from diverse perspectives. The theoretical and practical questions posed by the creation of digital materials and the integration of Philology and media technologies are debated. The implications for research and teaching are examined and current projects in the field are presented.
This conference can best be seen as a three-day seminar, in that there are no parallel sessions, there is as coherent an academic focus as possible and the participation of young scholars is actively encouraged. One of the key objectives of CLiP is to open an independent humanities computing space specifically – although not exclusively – dedicated to the emerging humanities computing communities in the fields of study that are relevant to the Romance languages areas.
CLiP conferences approach these issues from a multicultural European perspective and aim to foment international collaboration in research and teaching as a result. These discussions are part of the international debate about the discipline of Humanities Computing which is happening at the interface between the Humanities and Information Technology. The participants are also interested in the exchange of ideas, methods and techniques with scholars from outside Europe.
We welcome submissions that discuss any aspect of the interface between languages, literature, cultural heritage and Information Technology.
Suitable topics for proposals might include:
* literary and linguistic research including:
* text encoding systems; * digital publishing; * digital editions; * digital philology; * text analysis; * text corpora; * linguistics, particularly corpus linguistics; * new media approaches to the field
* multingualism and multiculturalism
* access of cultural heritage in a multilingual environment; * theoretical and practical treatment of issues related to multilingualism and multiculturalism; * the development of standards/guidelines and generic digital approaches, particularly those appropriate to multilingual and multicultural contexts
* education and training
* the impact of computing on education and training from a multilingual and multicultural perspective; * the specific role of technology in languages
* humanities computing as a field
* critical evaluation of the role and impact of new technologies on the humanities and its wider social significance; * the role of humanities computing in fomenting interdisciplinarity; * international policies for humanities computing; * humanities computing from a global perspective
Submissions may be of two types:
1. Papers. Abstract submissions should be of 500-1000 words. The duration of each paper will be 20 minutes. Submissions are peer-reviewed.
2. Posters/demonstrations. These will consist of poster presentations or demonstrations of software and will also be peer-reviewed. They will typically be appropriate for those seeking to demonstrate current projects and other work in progress. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference in a central area to ensure maximum opportunity for feedback/discussion with other delegates. Proposals for posters/software demonstrations should be submitted as short abstracts of no more than 250 words.
A prize will be awarded to the best poster.
We anticipate that a limited number of bursaries will be available for young scholars who have their paper or poster submission accepted. The deadlines for application for bursaries is January 30, 2006.
Submissions may be in Spanish, Italian, German, French or English.
Presentations may be given in the language of the accepted abstract. If the language is not English we strongly recommend the use of slides in English to facilitate comprehension. If the language is English, we strongly recommend the use of slides in one of the other languages named above.
The deadline for paper and poster submissions is December 8, 2005. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by February 27, 2006
The conference website is at:
Please see website for versions of Call for papers in other languages.