CFP: CAA2014 Paris Conference

Seen on the Antiquist list:

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

You are warmly invited to take part in the CAA2014 Paris Conference, which will be held at the “Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Institut d’art et d’archéologie” 3 rue Michelet, 75006 Paris, France, from 22th to 25th April 2014.

The CAA (Computers Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) is an international congress which has taken place every year for 40 years, the last being in Australia. This conference usually brings together hundreds of participants and works on the principle of parallel sessions and workshops or roundtables.

The best papers will be published in a volume.

Call for sessions

Sessions, roundtables & workshop proposals are welcome from 25th May to 14th July 2013.

Sessions Themes :

The themes of the conference are likely to include the following :

Field and laboratory data recording
Ontologies and standards
Internet and archaeology
3D Archaeology
AIS (Archaeological Information Systems)
GIS & spatial analysis
Mathematics and Statistics in Archaeology
Open source
Computing in Epigraphy and History
Multi-agent systems and complex system modelling
Virtual Archaeology

Session proposals Guideline:

The CAA 2014 Conference organizers invite proposers to read the session guidelines and make their submission accordingly (in English).


– Paper sessions (only Long paper sessions (LP)

A conventional format session of related 20 minute papers with 5 minute of question time. Papers should present new and ground-breaking research.

– Roundtables

A panel addressing a specific topic or issue, coordinated by one or more individuals. Presentations by the speakers will normally be followed by a discussant and general discussion.

– Workshops:

The conference will include a number of half and full day pre-conference workshops. Workshops will generally include practical work or other active participation of attendees above a technical subject with implementation of software and specific tools.

Proposal structure

Title of the session.
Session theme selected in the Sessions Themes list
An abstract of 300-500 words on a coherent and focused session topic, including a leading question, key issues, the scientific relevance of the subject and
Session category: Long paper session, roundtable or workshop
Name, affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address of the session organizer(s). Each session should have at least two organizers. We will give priority to sessions which are co-organized by scholars from different universities /countries.
Previous experience of the organizer(s) in organizing conference sessions, if any (especially in CAA conferences). Young scholars without previous experience in organizing sessions may list their experience in presenting papers at international conferences. Session organizers are allowed to give a paper and to contact potential paper givers (you can give an indicative list but the papers will have to be submitted after the session acceptance)

Key Dates

30 June 2013            Sessions, Roundtables and Workshops deadline

15 July 2013              Accepted proposals will be posted on the CAA2014 Conference webpage

15 July                         Paper call

31 October 2013       Paper call closed

How to Submit

We look forward to receiving your Proposal. Please submit your proposal via the CAA web site

If you have any technical problems in uploading your submission please send an email to

For more information about Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) please visit the CAA International Home Page

We look forward to seeing your Proposal and seeing you in Paris in 2014.

The Local Organising Committee

Dr Laurent Costa, Ingenior CNRS – UMR ArScan, Nanterre

Pr François Djindjian, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & UMR Trajectoires

Pr François Giligny, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & UMR Arscan

Dr Paola Moscati, Research Director, Istituto di Studi sulle civiltà Italiche e del Mediterraneo Antico, Rome

Dr Hélène Noizet, Maître de Conférences université Paris1 & LAMOP

Dr Sandrine Robert, Maître de Conférences EHESS Paris & UMR ArScan

About Tom Elliott

Associate Director for Digital Programs and Senior Research Scholar, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
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