The complete text of the forthcoming MLA volume, Electronic Textual Editing, funded by the Mellon Foundation and co-sponsored by the Text Encoding Initiative and the Modern Language Association’s Committee on Scholarly Editions, is now freely available at The volume’s contents include:
A. Prefatory material
1. Foreword: G. Thomas Tanselle (Columbia University & John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation)
2. Editors’ introduction: Lou Burnard (Oxford University & Text Encoding Initiative); Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe (Notre Dame University & Committee on Scholarly Editions); John Unsworth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & Committee on Scholarly Editions & Text Encoding Initiative).
B. Guidelines for Editors of Scholarly Editions
1. Guidelines for Editors of Scholarly Editions: From the Modern Language Association’s Committee on Scholarly Editions
2. Guiding Questions for Vettors of Print and Electronic Editions : Committee on Scholarly Editions, Modern Language Association
3. Annotated Bibliography: Key Works in the Theory of Textual Editing: Dirk Van Hulle (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
C. Principles
1. Principles: Burnard, O’Keeffe, Unsworth
D. Sources and Orientations
1. Critical Editing in a Digital Horizon: Dino Buzzetti (Universita di Bologna) and Jerome McGann (University of Virginia)
2. The Canterbury Tales and other Medieval Texts: Peter Robinson, De Montfort University
3. Documentary Editing: Bob Rosenberg (Edison Papers Project, Rutgers University)
4. The Poem and the Network: Editing Poetry Electronically: Neil Fraistat (University of Maryland) and Steven Jones (Loyola University, Chicago) (Romantic Circles)
5. Drama Case Study: The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson: David Gants (University of New Brunswick)
6. The Women Writers Project: A Digital Anthology: Julia Flanders (Women Writers Project, Brown University)
7. Authorial Translation: The Case of Samuel Beckett’s Stirrings Still / Soubresauts: Dirk Van Hulle, University of Antwerp, Belgium
8. Prose Fiction and Modern Manuscripts: Limitations and Possibilities of Text-Encoding for Electronic Editions: Edward Vanhoutte (Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie(Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies): Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature, Belgium)
9. Philosophy Case Study: Claus Huitfeldt, Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen
10. Electronic religious texts: the Gospel of John: D.C. Parker (Centre for the Editing of Texts in Religion, University of Birmingham, UK)
11. Multimedia Body Plans: A Self-Assessment: Morris Eaves (University of Rochester)
12. Epigraphy: Anne Mahoney, Perseus Project & Stoa Consortium Tufts University
E. Practices and Procedures
1. Effective Methods of Producing Machine-Readable Text from Manuscript and Print Sources: Eileen Gifford Fenton (JSTOR) and Hoyt N. Duggan (University of Virginia)
2. Levels of transcription: M. J. Driscoll (University of Copenhagen)
3. Digital Facsimiles in Editing: Kevin Kiernan (Electronic Beowulf, University of Kentucky)
4. Authenticating electronic editions: Phill Berrie, Paul Eggert, Chris Tiffin, and Graham Barwell (Australian Scholarly Editions Centre, Australian Defence Force Academy, University of New South Wales; University of Queensland; University of Woollongong)
5. Document Management and File Naming: Greg Crane (Perseus Project, Tufts University)
6. Writing Systems and Character Representation: Christian Wittern (Kyoto University)
7. How and Why to Formalize your Markup: Patrick Durusau (Society of Biblical Literature and Emory University)
8. Storage, Retrieval, and Rendering: Sebastian Rahtz (Research Technologies Service, Oxford University)
9. When not to use TEI: John Lavagnino (King’s College, London)
10. Moving a Print-Based Editorial Project into Electronic Form: Hans-Walter Gabler (Institut fuer Englische Philologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen)
11. Rights and Permissions in an Electronic Edition: Mary Case (Office of Scholarly Communication, Association of Research Libraries) and David Green (National Initiative of Networked Cultural Heritage)
12. Collection and Preservation of an Electronic Edition: Marilyn Deegan (King’s College London)